ASKOLL eSPro 45 2.8 – Elektroroller – Professional use

Statt Preis: Ursprünglicher Preis war: 4.800,00 €- Mobilitätsbonus Aktueller Preis ist: 4.450,00 €.

100% elektrisch, 100% Qualität aus Italien – mit Sicherheit der nachhaltigste Elektroroller am europäischen Markt – verbessere die CO2 Bilanz in deinem Business!

Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage



HINWEIS:   Zusätzlich €450,- an Förderung sichern und den Anschaffungspreis auf € 3.690,- (€ 3.075,- exkl. MwSt) reduzieren! Wir beraten Sie gerne zu diesem Thema.



Zusätzliche Informationen


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The electric mobility challenge: an exciting success.

Our vehicles are 100% electric. They are designed and manufactured in Italy, as are their most sophisticated components (battery, electronic control unit, motor): everything is developed in-house. The automation required to produce and test the vehicles is also designed and produced by Askoll, as is their design, which expresses the quality associated with products Made in Italy. Technology, sustainability, Italian spirit: Askoll's excellence stems from the dialogue of these three values.